House St. Clair: POs

Monday, August 28, 2006


My PO was an elderly lady who filled this house (11 rooms) up with stuff, was not well enough to clean (I'm being nice) and basically could not manage to live here anymore. She should have rented an apartment at a Senior Living facility, instead she paid $5,000 more than what I bought my house for to buy a tiny little prefab house near the hospital.

She is one of those types of people who expect other people to do everything for her. However, my backyard neighbor has told me that all of her 'helpers' basically robbed her of things in return for their help--coming in to help clean and leaving with carloads of stuff. Yeah. She even had a nice Hoosier cabinet in the house that she sold to one of said helpers for less than $200.

So anyway, my backyard neighbor is an 80-something lady who loves my dog and is enjoyable to talk with, etc., etc. Evidently, my PO calls her--at the least weekly--and asks her about us, whether we're still living in 'her' house, whether her picnic table is still in the backyard (I never ever saw a picnic table in the backyard, so my guess is that one of her 'helpers' took it), and she mentions just about every week that she is still mad at me for tearing up the carpet in the living room, green room, hallway, and all the way up the stairs.

(Incidently, I don't think she's gotten anyone to drive her past the house, because she has never mentioned the garden I put out front. And that is something she would have noticed, definitely.)

So anyway, she mentions this carpet constantly. It's really getting on my nerves, because except for a very small piece, it's gone. She has even said that if she knew I was going to tear up the carpet, she would have taken it with her.

I said that I wish she had, because it was a pain in the butt to take up. Ha!

That carpet was in the house when they moved in--in 1978. Odds are, it was older than me. It stank, it was dryrotted, and it was covered with years worth of dust and dirt. Talk about a health hazard!

I am considering sneaking the last piece of carpet onto her front porch one night, but I think her neighbors might call the police.

Here is a picture of the carpet:

Okay, it's not that good of a picture. It's much brighter in real life, floral, with bright blues and greens. With a pale lime green walls (at least in this room--that's why we call it the Green Room) it wasn't what you could call nice.

We uncovered lovely oak floors that didn't even need to be refinished.

(My PO doesn't call me anymore. She started to--she kept asking about stuff that she thought she'd left behind that wasn't here--but when I started to paint the kitchen, I unplugged the only phone in the house and 'forgot' to plug it back in.)

My backyard neighbor calls her my landlord. hahaha. I'm not sure I really like that, but I know she is joking.


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