House St. Clair: Just call me the crazy cat lady...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Just call me the crazy cat lady...

I am a cat person. (Hopefully Miss Mabel won't read this and take it the wrong way.) My family has always had outside cats, and I grew up imagining the day when I could have my own house and my very own indoor cat would sleep with me, curled up at the foot of my bed, or beside me, or on me, or whatever.

Right before I moved out of my parents' house, they did allow two of the cats to be indoor/outdoor cats, and my cat Punkin did sleep with me at night. It was just as nice as I had imagined.

Fast forward to now, and I have my own house. At the moment, I have four indoor only cats and one outdoor only cat (due to some indoor issues she is now outside permanently.) After Cleo moved outside, I ended up feeding two or three of the feral cats that roam the neighborhood as well as my own. I don't really mind; they aren't doing any damage and Cleo actually gets along better with them than she does with anyone inside, for some reason.

Two weeks ago, someone either dropped a kitten off at my house or it wandered in from somewhere. It seems to be partly feral--we're working on the trust issue at the moment, and making progress--but it is the cutest kitten and it is sticking around my house, so I guess I'm claiming him or her as well.

Its eyes are blue, although you can't see that in the picture. I think it looks like a Siamese cat, too. It has lovely cream colored fur. I am hopeful that I can get it tamed and to the vet so I can help stop the spread of ferals in the neighborhood. I am not sure how my other cats would take to an addition.


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