House St. Clair: Gardening

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I grew up with my family's huge garden. We never bought vegetables from the store. I didn't even know canned lima beans existed until I moved away and saw them on a shelf.

(I can always filch from Mom and Dad, but ya know, I want my own garden too!)

Last year, I removed sod from the middle of two flowerbeds to make a 'garden.' In truth, my 10 tomato plants gave me over 3 gallons of juice, plus enough tomatoes to make me happy for the season. I had zucchini and cucumbers and gourds that went nutso. For a small space, it packed a big punch.

But there is this spot in the front yard between the spruce tree, the forsynthia, and the lilacs, that is nice and flat and just begging to be a garden.

However, it's probably 20' x 40' , so there's no way in hell I'm going to dig up the sod myself, unless I really want to die, because it was hard enough to do that last year.

So tonight, after talking it over with Dad and getting his experienced opinion (I already have rave reviews from a coworker of mine), I ordered a Mantis Tiller/Cultivator. Edible landscaping, here I come!


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